Atlas of topographical anatomy of the brain and surrounding structures
For neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, and neuropathologists
Springer-Verlag ,Wien, New York ,1978
Dieses Buch ist die Bibel für jeden, der am und im Gehirn tätig wird und ist. So relevant und klar kann nur ein Neurochirurg die Anatomie darstellen. Nicht umsonst wird dieses Buch auf der ganzen Welt gelesen und immer wieder zum Nachlesen hervorgeholt. Synopsis This anatomical atlas and surgical textbook provides a comprehensive approach to questions and techniques in neurosurgery. Anatomical drawings are used throughout the work to illustrate brain structures and separate arterial and venous structures, as well as their positions in relation to each other. Micro-neurosurgical techniques demand an enlarged representation of the anatomy under conditions that correspond to the microsurgical site. Inhalt: Anatomical Principles, Brain and Cerebral Arteries, topographical Anatomy of the Brain and Surrounding Structures - Microneurosurgical Aspects u.v.m.
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