Bestellnummer: 182237


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Krys Lee

How I Became a North Korean

A Novel

  • Viking an imprint of Pinguin Random House ,New York ,2016
  • Kurzbeschreibung: Yongju is an accomplished student from one of North Korea's most prominent families. Jangmi, on the other hand, has had to fend for herself since childhood, most recently by smuggling goods across the border. Then there is Danny, a Chinese American teenager whose quirks and precocious intelligence have long made him an outcast in his California high school. These three disparate lives converge when they flee their homes, finding themselves in a small Chinese town, just across the river form North Korea...
  • ISBN-100735221308
  • ISBN-139780735221307
  • Buchformat, Einbandtyp, Einband Material8° (18,5-22,5 cm), Taschenbuch, Kartoniert
  • Seitenzahl256 Seiten
  • Medium, Sprache, SchriftBuch, Englisch, Latein (normal)
  • Gewicht244 g
  • Einband mit geringfügigen Gebrauchsspuren, insgesamt SEHR GUTER Zustand!