Bestellnummer: 102098


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Dave Eggers

what is The What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng

  • ,2006
  • Kurzbeschreibung: As a boy, Achak is separated from his family during the Second Sudanese Civil War when the Arab militia, referred to as murahaleen (which is Arabic for the deported), wipes out his Dinka village, Marial Bai. During the assault, he loses sight of his father and his childhood friends, Moses and William K. William K escapes, but Moses is believed to be dead after the assault. Achak seeks shelter in the house of his aunt with his mother, who is frequently identified throughout the book with a yellow dress. Before they are hidden, they hear the screaming of Achak's aunt, and his mother goes to investigate. Achak never sees her again. He evades detection by hiding in a bag of grain, and credits God for helping him stay quiet.
  • Buchformat, Einbandtyp, Einband MaterialLex. 8° (25-30 cm), Hardcover, Kunstleder
  • Seitenzahl475 Seiten
  • Medium, Sprache, SchriftBuch, Englisch, Latein (normal)
  • Gewicht775 g
  • Einband mit geringfügigen Gebrauchsspuren, insgesamt SEHR GUTER Zustand!